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First performance at Winter Shine 2017

I finally received my photos and videos for my performances at Winter Shine 2017. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to release one a week, for everyone's enjoyment. So keep watching this space and sharing with your friends. #AMTC

On January 3, 2017 I took the stage for the first time at Winter Shine 2017. The first showcase of the conference, Singing Christian music by those over 18 years old. I don't mind admitting it, but I was shaking in my boots. Not as bad as the first time I had to perform here in Atlanta at a dress rehearsal. While in line I was able to keep most of my nerves in check, but then they handed me the mike and I freaked out. I felt like running off stage and throwing up. I knew I had a decision to make: I could either run away or I could face this fear head on and go for it. So I quieted my mind, and simply pretended that I was about to walk into a classroom where I would teach my students. Yes I'm a professor at Georgia Tech, and I teach 200 students every week, so I'm not afraid of being up on stage. So I imagined that the audience were all my students, and I was simply going to go "teach" them, this time however with song and dance. This mind set really worked for me, because once I walked out on stage, I had the confidence I needed to pull this off, and no longer had to worry. I actually really enjoyed it! By the time my 1 minute was up, I really did not want it to end, but wanted to keep going. Being up on stage can be contagious. I know I'm not the best singer out there, but I strive to be entertaining and engage my audience, and I felt like I really accomplished both goals.

You can go check out my performance here

I would really appreciate it if you would share this with your friends on Facebook and YouTube! Please use the hashtag #lindarose and #amtc

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