Should I go to college?
I am so glad that you asked this question. Guess what? Not everyone needs to go to college to get their dream job. Yes I'm a professor at a prestigious university, and yes I'm telling you to not fall into the trap of thinking that the world will end just because you decided not to go to college.
Attending college is not the right decision for everyone.
Here are my top 3 reasons why you should NOT go to college, well... maybe not yet at least.
1. Your dream job does not require you to have a degree.
The most important decision you have to make is not what college you are going to. Rather it is; what do you want to be when you grow up?
Decide on your dream job, and then investigate what you need to do to land that dream job. Starting with the end in mind will give you direction in which path you are supposed to follow.
There are many jobs out there that pay extremely well that do not even require you to have a college degree. Just because you don't have a college degree does not mean you'll be flipping burgers. All these jobs rather rely on apprenticeship training and experience.
Just look at Anna Wintour who at the age of 15 started working in the fashion industry and is now the editor-in-chief of Vogue. Following your talent and your dream, will take you further than a college degree ever can.
2. You don't know what you want to be when you grow up.
Then take a gap year. Explore your interests. Meet with as many people as possible to explore your career options and opportunities before deciding what to do.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 80% of students in the United States end up changing their major at least once. Furthermore, research has shown that the average person will make about 5 - 7 career changed during their lifetime.
So, do not delude yourself that College will magically help you decide your career. No my friend, that decision totally lies in your hands, so make sure going to college is worth it and what you need to do to get your dream job.
3. It's what you should be doing, not what you want to do.
Everyone is going to tell you that you should go to college. This is simply the US mentality. Your teachers, counselors, financial aid officers, family, friends, pop culture icons, etc. are all going to tell you a fable that you should go to college so can make more money.
That may have been true pre-2008 before the recession, but it's no longer so today. According to the Department of Labor, half of college graduates are under employed or unemployed. They would have been better off not going to college.
Once again, I urge you to rather consider what you want to do more important than following the pack to the local college down the street.
More can be said on this topic, but it simply boils down to this:
1. Decide your dream job.
2. Plot your course to obtain your dream job.
3. Execute your plan.
4. Reap and enjoy a long successful career in your dream job.
Now, if you do decide to go to college, how do you decide where to go? Next week, I'll tell you so be sure to leave me your email on the contact page, and you'll get an automatic reminder. Or like me on facebook and twitter.
All the best with your decision.