A great loss
The year 2017 sucked. Completely. Utterly. The worst year ever. All I wanted to do was crawl underneath a rock and wait for 2018 to roll around. Ever had a year like that?
In February 2016, we lost my brother-in-law Gert from a heart attack, then in September 2017 I lost my brother and 7 weeks later my dad, both due to liver cancer due to our family genetic disorder called hemachromatosis. To say that my family and I were devastated would be an understatement. And through it all I had 150 students at Georgia Tech depending on me to show up and teach. It was by far the hardest thing I had to do, but you know, I learned something important of who I am.
My students mean the world to me. My family mean the world to me. And although everyone expected me to walk away from my teaching responsibility, I simply could not. My father had taught me, that your students are also part of your family, all be it an extended family. Even when my dad was sick, I kept asking him if I shouldn't stay home. He made me promise him two things: (1) to take care of my mom and (2) to take care of his and my students. As I sit here and write this, I want to cry, simply because although it is a heavy burden to carry, and I miss him, I will do everything in my power to keep my promise.
2017 was a life changing year, and one that I don't care to repeat anytime soon. Now we must pick up the pieces of our lives and move forward. But most of all, this year forced me to consider deeply who I am, what my passions are, what my dreams are. Life is short. I know that now. I need to live every day to the fullest. This year changed my priorities, and gave me direction.
Next time... where to skipper?