Nuelda 3: Reckless Gifts is LIVE!
Nuelda 3: Reckless Gifts is LIVE!!
A taste of power can be liberating, but too much can drown you in responsibility…
The stone pillar underneath Anna McKlendle’s feet disappeared, and she dropped a hundred feet before Radnt caught her. The stonedra Jax was obliterating Pearl to get to the only trisidiumpac they had left. Pillars of stone rose up from the rubble and then dropped onto anyone standing in Jax’s way. The humans and bots were no match for this enemy, and Anna had to move lightning fast if she wanted to protect the city.
The previous attack on Pearl and the liberation of the bots and left the city weak and vulnerable to attack. People were looting, and riots were sprouting up everywhere. Everyone was afraid and desperately seeking ways to preserve their own lives. The bots had gained self-awareness, and was questioning everything in their existence, caught in an endless loop of self reflection. Life in the city had grounded to a halt.
“This was a great story! The characters are so interesting and after reading the first two books I couldn’t wait for this one. Anna continues to grow and wow you at every turn, and there is so much excitement as Anna and her friends set about cleaning up the aftermath of what happened in Pearl. I can’t wait to see what this group of kids get up to next!”
Leslie Cunningham - Texas, USA.
With chaos ruling Pearl, will Anna be able to rally the citizens and protect them against Jax? Pick up your copy of Reckless Gifts, Nuelda Book 3, to find out.
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