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The Cryoplex

I love maps!

I remember taking road trips with my family, and my dad teaching me how to read maps. When I was old enough I become the official navigator and map keeper.

When we moved to Atlanta, we often had to drive around with a map just to find our way. We often got lost, but that was part of the fun of exploring, unless of course you got stuck in traffic. Today's kids don't know how easy they have it to have a map at their fingertips on their phone!

When I'm doing world building for my stories, it always helps me to visualize what the world looks like by drawing maps. Here is the first ever map that I drew for Nuelda. It is of the Cryoplex... you know the place where all the creepy old robots live? You don't? Well then you should go buy my book and find out ;p

Hope you enjoy the map.

Too da loo


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