Renee Rose
Today I have the joy of sharing with you an interview with Renee Rose. Let's dive right in.

1. What was your dream job when you were younger?
I definitely always dreamed of being a writer. I pictured myself living in some little cottage surrounded by nature, writing my little heart out. Little did I know that writing doesn't require the quiet cabin and peaceful nature - although that would be awesome! It's the dream job because it can be done anywhere, anytime. All I need is my laptop and I'm good to work. :-)
2. Who is the author you most admire in your genre?
I am crazy about LJ Shen. I absolutely love her books to the point that I am currently "saving" her latest release (refusing to start reading it, because once it's read, I won't have it to look forward to anymore--lol).
3. How many plot ideas are waiting to be written?
I usually have five or six ideas brewing, not to mention all the little things that people tell me that I file away as "that should go in a book". haha!
4. When did you start to write?
I started writing as a kid. I was a huge reader, and was encouraged to write by my family and teachers. I won poetry and journalism contests in elementary, junior high and high school and went on to get my degree in Creative Writing, but my concentration was in poetry. I didn't even read romance until a friend lent me Jennifer Crusie novel for a plane ride and I fell in love with the genre!
5. What is your favorite childhood book?
It's tough to name one particular favorite, but The Crystal Cave and the rest of the Merlin series by Mary Stewart was very important to me.
6. How long does it take you to write a book?
Usually about a month. My books are on the short side of full-length books (usually 200 pages).
7. What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
I love this question! Well, unless you count going to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios, I would say I haven't yet. But I'd love to go to Stratford-upon-Avon or see the Platform 9 3/4 sign at the King's Cross station.
8. Are you working on anything at present you'd like to share with our readers?
My co-writer, Lee Savino and I, opened our fictitious vampire world and their BDSM club, Club Toxic up to other kinky authors. It's been so great reading other author's contributions to our world and see the whole thing blossom.
9. Are you on social media so our readers can interact with you?
Yes! I have a private Facebook group where readers can openly talk about real life kink in a safe and supportive environment. It's a wonderful group that I love dearly.
10. What was the first book that made you cry?
Oh... I remember big ugly crying from Where the Red Fern Grows. There was also a book about someone dying from a bee sting... I can't remember the title.
Looking for Renee's Books? Here's a link to her library